Once again, New England weather may wreak havoc on an impending
holiday. Parkas and knit caps will replace dresses and bonnets. Colorful eggs
will be hidden in dirt-encrusted snow banks, and the plastic Easter grass
lining our baskets may be the only green we’ll see for months.
Van Otis always offers ways
to brighten the holidays with gifting and celebration solutions. On Saturday,
March 29, join Van Otis’ experienced candy makers at their 341 Elm Street retail location for “Create
Your Own Easter Treat and Support the Boys & Girls Club of Manchester”. The
event will be held from 9 am to 3 pm, and price per participant is only $5. Half
of the proceeds will benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Manchester.
Candy and chocolate lovers
of all ages are encouraged to attend and will be eligible for a chocolate bunny
raffle prize. For further information, please visit our website at www.vanotis.com or contact us at info@vanotis.com or call us at (603)